Artificial Intelligence Innovation Online Marketing

15 ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Blog Posts

You couldn’t have missed it: ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI, is making a lot of noise.

And for good reason, some already think that AI could replace web editors… But for now, the expertise of an SEO web editor remains irreplaceable!

Let’s see together how to optimize your ChatGPT prompts, the requests you make to artificial intelligence, to create content for your blog using ChatGPT.

Preamble: the risks of using ChatGPT for your blog

Before you start creating content for your blog with ChatGPT, keep in mind that automatic content production using AI is not an accepted Google practice for SEO.

There is no official penalty yet for users of this type of content. But it is still better to be careful in the use of artificial intelligence on your blog, especially in a corporate blog context.

ChatGPT is indeed a tool that can save your time for writing and thinking. We advise you to use it, but not to integrate the content it offers you directly. For safety, be sure to always reformulate the content and check the veracity of what the tool says.

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What is the ChatGPT prompt?

A prompt is quite simply the command, the request that you will formulate in the ChatGPT interface.

When you ask the OpenAI AI a question for the first time, the result is immediately stunning. But we quickly realize the limits of the tool, which often formulates lists and tends to repeat itself.

But by optimizing the prompt, you can obtain much more convincing results! You have the possibility to give a lot of parameters to ChatGPT so that it gives you the most precise answers possible. You can also give instructions after one of his answers in order to refine the result.

15 ChatGPT Prompt Ideas for Creating Blog Posts

Here are 15 ideas of prompts to use on ChatGPT to create blog posts and produce content quickly for your website!

1. Find article topic ideas with ChatGPT

As you know, coming up with topic ideas for your blog is always a tedious process. But that is ancient history. Here is a prompt to help you come up with blog post topic ideas with ChatGPT:

Here is the response received:

You now have 15 article topics to present the different CMS that allow you to create an e-commerce site.

The only weakness of ChatGPT at this level concerns the choice of CMS for this specific example, but you can always ask it to renew the operation with 5 other CMS or with a CMS that you have in mind.

2. Find a list of pros and cons with ChatGPT

To help you find information and ideas to write your articles, ChatGPT is very powerful. It allows you to list the characteristics, advantages or disadvantages of products or services.

Be careful though because ChatGPT is not directly connected to the Internet and will draw its results from a database. The information is therefore not necessarily up to date. It is always necessary to verify what ChatGPT claims.

To bring a little more added value than a simple listing of advantages and disadvantages, you can request additional elements from artificial intelligence:

Here is his response:

You have the ability to combine requests into a single prompt, just as you have the ability to break down your questions and make your requests after each response.

3. Find products to compare with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can also serve as an enhanced search engine to save your time.

Let’s imagine that you want to write an article to present SEO plugins for WordPress. Doing the research yourself takes time.

So why not have ChatGPT do it for you? You just need to write the prompt well to have a result that will be usable for your blog post.

Here is the array returned by ChatGPT:

I then asked if some plugins have a paid premium version and ChatGPT kindly listed me the plugins that offer a paid version. So be careful to plan for yourself the different possibilities because a plugin in the free version does not necessarily have all the features listed.

4. Create an article outline with ChatGPT

Rather than asking ChatGPT to write an article for you, ask it to write the outline for that article. This will allow you to get ideas to get started in writing and add value to the article.

The objective here is not to be guided by the tool: you take the risk that your article will look like other content. It is rather a question of guiding the tool thanks to a precise prompt to obtain a relevant article plan:

Here is the blog post outline offered by ChatGPT:

The result is quite convincing, and the part where we asked ChatGPT to handle itself is quite convincing in the context of the article.

5. Find questions to create an FAQ with ChatGPT

To find ideas for articles in “tutorial” format or to enrich a FAQ on a particular subject, you can ask ChatGPT the questions most frequently asked by Internet users.

For example, you can ask him:

Here is the list of questions he sent us:

To gain relevance, you can cross-check this information with data from SEO tools to transform these questions into real SEO-oriented articles.

The idea with ChatGPT is always to use the tool as a source of inspiration rather than an executing writer.

6. Duplicate a text by changing its subject with ChatGPT

If you write texts to reference pages on similar themes, or for geolocated content, ChatGPT can help you produce them by replacing the subject of an existing text with another subject.

The tool can go even further and is able to replace more than just one word. For example, if you ask him to modify a text by replacing “dog” by “cat”, he will be able to replace by himself “canine” by “feline”, “puppy” by “kitten” so that the text does not lose its meaning.

You can even go further by asking the AI ​​in the prompt to paraphrase the text so that the content it produces is inspired by your text while being completely original:

The result is stunning :

7. Generate various calls-to-action with ChatGPT

Rather than asking ChatGPT to produce CTAs directly, you can have it produce variations of the CTAs you use.

This allows the artificial intelligence to get closer to the tone and intent you want to infuse into your text.

We see that the result is not entirely satisfactory because for 4 CTAs, it uses the same formulation as that used in the base CTA.

Do not hesitate to take advantage of the conversational system to ask him to start over.

The result is more interesting, but this time ChatGPT failed to mention the AI.

A final instruction is sufficient to obtain the expected result:

The CTAs obtained are much more interesting than the first ones formulated by ChatGPT. We notice all the same a repetition on the last three with “rather than an IA”. But the calls-to-action obtained are quite satisfactory and could very well be integrated into this article!

You don’t necessarily have to try to get the perfect prompt from the first iteration. Interacting with the AI ​​until you get the result you’re happy with allows you to read different solutions.

Rather than copying and pasting these CTAs, you can combine two sentences from two different results. Eventually, through this exchange, you got 15 CTAs for 5 expected within minutes.

8. Change your language style with ChatGPT

Each writer has their own tone. If some are able to adapt their way of writing and their linguistic style according to the instructions, it remains a difficult exercise. This is why it is advisable to call on a professional writer when you want to inject a particular energy into your content.

But to change your language style, you can also ask ChatGPT to transform your content.

In particular, you can ask the tool to:

  • Use familiarity or formal address;
  • Change the style;
  • Lengthen or shorten sentences.

Again, the result is amazing.

And as always, it is quite possible to request adjustments. Here, the tone is almost a bit familiar. We could ask the tool “Reformulate the text in a slightly less familiar way while keeping the familiarity”.

9. Ask ChatGPT to correct spelling mistakes

Basic but very useful function, spelling correction. Remember to tell the tool to avoid rephrasing your text so that it simply takes care of the correction.

Be careful, the artificial intelligence does a good job but can miss some subtleties of the French language. We managed to trap him with “compensate to” for example.

No bad pun, it’s faultless!

10. Request an article summary from ChatGPT

Need an instant summary of a 1500 or 2000 word blog post? No problem. ChatGPT is able to give you a summary. You can even ask him to turn this summary into a real LinkedIn post:

Beware all the same because on several tests, the CTA to invite to identify a friend in comment was systematically the same.

As we’ve said many times before, use the prompt to ask them to reword the CTA, or reword it yourself to match your style. ChatGPT is still a time-saving tool, but it will never be able to do all the work for you perfectly.

11. Have ChatGPT write the meta description

As for the summary, you can ask ChatGPT to write the meta description of your pages.

The only limit to this command concerns the length of the meta description. ChatGPT sometimes has trouble respecting a maximum length when expressed in characters. We therefore prefer not to restrict it by writing the prompt:

The result is just over 230 characters. We can therefore be satisfied with the first sentence, or choose a long meta description since search engines sometimes display longer descriptions.

Rather than focusing on length, focus here on ChatGPT’s ability to produce a punchy summary and a hook that makes people want to click. Do not hesitate to ask the artificial intelligence to start again to have a more marketing description.

12. Ask ChatGPT to delete words or paragraphs in a text

Have you written content on a topic, but ultimately want to change the orientation of the text? You can ask ChatGPT to remove words from a text or outright paragraphs.

Depending on your needs, you can add additional requests to your prompts for the AI ​​to replace the word or reformulate sentences.

In the example below, we asked the artificial intelligence to delete a paragraph containing a particular keyword and completely replace it with another one.

The result works perfectly, the awkward paragraph has been removed and brilliantly replaced respecting the context of the article, without having to say more!

13. Ask ChatGPT to HTML Format Text

The HTML formatting of a text is not a high value-added task. You can ask ChatGPT to do this for you.

Convenient for adding tags to a list, for example, since the tool is able to detect them. It even removes the dashes on its own to prevent the dash from duplicating the bullet in the HTML list.

And here’s the result ! Obviously, if you have a long text with H2, H3, H4, H5, it will not necessarily be able to detect the level of each title on its own, but again, you can give it indications by indicating the level of the title before the text (much like when you write the outline of an article).

14. Ask ChatGPT to store information in a table and provide you with the HTML of the table

If you ask ChatGPT for information in an array, you can order it to sort it according to many criteria: alphabetical order, numerical data, etc…

In addition, you also have the possibility of asking him for the HTML code of this table to be able to integrate it directly into a blog article or into a web page.

Remember to break down your prompt with each step in a logical order so that the artificial intelligence does not misinterpret your instructions.

Here is the result in HTML:

The result even has a small button at the top right to copy the HTML code without having to select it manually! What more ?

15. Ask ChatGPT to insert strong tags in text in HTML

To optimize your SEO, you can also get help from ChatGPT. You can write a simple, risk-free prompt by limiting yourself to a keyword to surround the strong tags.

You can also have the tool do its thing without guiding it too strictly on what keyword you want your text to reference. ChatGPT will then insert the tags on a little more varied expressions.

Unsurprisingly, the instruction is well respected:

Strong tags are positioned on relevant and varied keywords, not just on the keyword “e-commerce CMS” or “best e-commerce CMS”.

Things to do if you use ChatGPT on your blog

Here are some general tips to apply to your use of ChatGPT to gain relevance and produce high value-added content on your blog.

Rephrase what ChatGPT offers you

If you use ChatGPT a lot, you might have noticed this. The basic tone of ChatGPT is identifiable and certain turns of phrase are recognizable over time. If this tone is not problematic as such, it may eventually be identifiable by search engines.

To avoid seeing your site or your blog being penalized if search engines definitively ban the use of AI for natural referencing, then reformulation and manual rewriting are to be implemented now.

Add unique ideas in addition to what ChatGPT lists

Writing prompts for ideas is a good thing. You can’t think of everything and this kind of tool makes life easier. But if everyone does the same, your items will have no added value and no flavor.

Use ChatGPT to enrich content that you have imagined and not the other way around. If you want to come up with a list of tips for example, find the tips that seem most relevant to you, then ask ChatGPT to help you find more to achieve a round count.

If you rely on artificial intelligence all the time, your blog will only be filled with generalities.

Check if the information is correct

As we told you a little earlier, the information on which ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence is based is not necessarily up to date. Thus, if you ask him the prices of an online service for example, it is possible that the price is not the right one.

On sensitive data or information such as prices, always be sure to cross-check the data with a live source. To make your task easier, you can in the prompt, ask ChatGPT to show you the sources so that you can easily check the information.

Be precise in writing your prompts

Do not hesitate to make tests by writing the prompts. If you find that the output the AI ​​is writing isn’t what you expected, stop it, change the prompt, and start over.

Avoid lengthy sentences that complicate understanding and favor short sentences that follow one another: “List me this”, “Sort the information in such a way”, “Display it in a table”, etc.

Things to avoid when using ChatGPT on your blog

Finally, think that it is better to avoid certain things when using ChatGPT to limit errors and SEO or duplicate content risks.

Avoid asking him to write the entire article

Having the AI ​​write a complete article is the best way to get a generic and low quality article. Even if the tone of the article will always be “good” and most of the information is relatively up to date, you will get an article that lacks pep, that lacks your touch, your know-how.

Instead, use the prompts offered in the article to get help from ChatGPT in designing your articles and write them yourself, even if it means asking the tool to correct spelling mistakes or rephrase certain passages.

Avoid copy/paste without proofreading

Even if the risks are quite low, the possibility that ChatGPT offers the same content twice to Internet users who ask it the same question cannot be excluded.

So, if you ask OpenAI’s artificial intelligence to write content, be sure to always rewrite it, paraphrase it, adapt it to the tone of your blog.

Avoid becoming addicted to ChatGPT

Finally, don’t fall for the ChatGPT dependency. If the service were to close or become paid, you would find yourself like an artist without his muse.

These tools are ways to boost your productivity, not tools to replace your creativity. Keep control of your blog and your site and don’t be dependent on AI to produce qualitative and differentiating articles!

Our tip for using ChatGPT for your blog

You now have all the keys to using ChatGPT to create content for your blog or site.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT is just a tool and it will never replace your SEO know-how or your instinct for what trends to follow.

For writing your content, do not become dependent on a tool: rather call on an SEO web editor who, in addition to writing relevant content for your readers, will be able to optimize the article for natural referencing without risk of penalties!

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