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What is Domain-Driven Design (DDD)?

Have you heard of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), a major software design approach? DDD was introduced in Eric Evans’ classic book “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software”. It explained a methodology to model a complex business. In this book, there is a lot of content, so I’ll summarize the basics. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟[...]

Monolithic vs Microservice architecture

What are the differences between monolithic and microservice architecture? The diagram shows a comparison between monolithic and microservice architecture in the ideal world. Suppose we have an eCommerce website that needs to handle the functions below: 🔹 User Management 🔹 Procurement Management 🔹 Order Management 🔹 Inventory Management 🔹 Payments 🔹 Logistics In a monolithic[...]

Session, cookie, JWT, token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0 – what are they?

These terms are all related to user identity management. When you log into a website, you declare who you are (identification). Your identity is verified (authentication), and you are granted the necessary permissions (authorization). Many solutions have been proposed in the past, and the list keeps growing. From simple to complex, here is my understanding[...]

What is a CDN? Why should we developers all take advantage of it?

At a fundamental level, a CDN brings content closer to the user. This improves the performance of a web service as perceived by the user. In this video, we will talk about what CDN is, how to use it, and the benefits of CDN, including: – Improving latency – Reducing bandwidth – Increasing content availability[...]

𝙁𝙍𝙀𝙀 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙜𝙡𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 2023

The new year is filled with many opportunities for all potential candidates who have resolved to upgrade their skills and knowledge. For the same reason, Google is here to help you polish your skills and expertise. You can apply for the best Free online courses by Google in 2023. Google Project Management 🔗 Agile Project[...]

How do you decide which type of database to use?

There are hundreds or even thousands of databases available today, such as Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Redis, ClickHouse, MongoDB, S3, Ceph, etc. How do you select the architecture for your system? My short summary is as follows: 🔹Relational database. Almost anything could be solved by them. 🔹In-memory store. Their speed and limited data size[...]

Principles & Best practices of REST API Design

This best-practices article intends for developers interested in creating RESTful Web services that provide high reliability and consistency across multiple service suites; following these guidelines; services are positioned for rapid, widespread, public adoption by internal and external clients. Here is the complete diagram to easily understand REST API’s principles, methods, and best practices. Now, Let’s[...]

What really happens when Bob transfers 1 𝐁𝐓𝐂 to Alice on blockchain?

The diagram below shows the detail. 🔸 Step 0 – Bob wants to transfer 1 BTC to Alice. He initiates the transfer in his wallet. 🔸 Steps 1 and 2 – A transaction A is created with Alice’s address. Bob then 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 the transaction with his private key. 🔸 Step 3 – The signed transaction[...]

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Blockchain FREE Books for Download

Blockchain Startups: Bitcoin and Ethereum as the Frontier of Finance

This book shows you how to compete with banks. Bitcoin and Ethereum have features that empower entrepreneurs to disrupt finance. The functions of banks are now in the cross-hairs of open-source groups and software entrepreneurs. We look at what you can build for the future beyond traditional banking. Banks used to be protected from disruption...

Qu’est-ce que la crypto-monnaie ? Histoire et Philosophie

Depuis la mise en place de l’euro, nous autres Européens, avons pris l’habitude de partir en vacances à l’étranger sans prendre en compte les taux de change et autres spécificités monétaires locales. Et pourtant, ce n’est pas le cas de tout le monde : partout en dehors de l’Europe, le moindre passage de frontière entraîne...

Qu’est-ce que la DeFi ou finance décentralisée ?

Parmi les différents cas (potentiels) d’utilisation des technologies blockchain. Aujourd’hui nous nous concentrerons sur la DeFi, ou finance décentralisée en français, qui commence à devenir un écosystème très intéressant, large et complexe. Nous verrons ce qui se cache derrière le terme “Finance décentralisée“, les acteurs importants du secteur et les innovations à venir. Qu’est ce que la finance décentralisée... : acheter vos Crypto-currencies en peer to peer

Ces dernières années, les conditions d’utilisation des plateformes d’échange se sont considérablement restreintes et il est devenu de plus en plus difficile d’acheter des cryptomonnaies de manière simple et anonyme. En effet, ces plateformes qui gèrent des monnaies comme l’euro ou le dollar sont désormais soumises aux normes de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et du financement du terrorisme imposées...

Mastering Ethereum: Implement advanced blockchain applications using Ethereum-supported tools, services, and protocols

An expert guide to implementing fast, secure, and scalable decentralized applications that work with thousands of users in real time Key Features • Implement advanced features of the Ethereum network to build powerful decentralized applications • Build smart contracts on different domains using the programming techniques of Solidity and Vyper • Explore the architecture of...

Blockchain Development for Finance Projects [ePub]

Blockchain technology will play a disruptive role in the banking and finance sector in the future. Experts estimate that it will save up to 20 billion dollars annually. You will build full-fledged financial applications using blockchain. It will aid you in building more secure and transparent workflows and re-engineering your business processes. Key Features Implement...

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Finance FREE Books for Download

Un gros mouvement en approche pour le Bitcoin (BTC) et l’Ether (ETH) ?

La tendance de fond du Bitcoin (BTC) reste haussière Lors de notre précédente analyse, nous vous expliquions l’importance de revenir clôturer au-dessus de la Kijun Weekly durant les prochaines bougies. La bougie de la semaine dernière a été plutôt positive puisqu’elle s’est figée en marteau inversé, généralement signe d’un possible retour à la hausse dans ce cas de figure. Le BTC...

10 reasons why Ethereum is on course to breach $10,000

It’s been quite a roller-coaster of a year for Ethereum. When 2021 began, ETH was valued at just over $720 on the charts. At the time of writing, however, ETH was trading just under the $4100-level. Thanks to the scale of its performance, many crypto-enthusiasts have presented their own predictions for Ethereum’s current rally. ‘ETH is well on its...

Le Bitcoin (BTC) et l’Ether (ETH) vont-ils poursuivre leur chute ?

Le Bitcoin (BTC) chute, mais le bas du range tient Cette nuit, un tweet d’Elon Musk a fait l’effet d’une bombe sur le marché des cryptomonnaies. En effet, le PDG de l’entreprise Tesla a annoncé mettre fin pour le moment à la possibilité d’acheter ses voitures électriques via la technologie Bitcoin. Tesla & Bitcoin Quelques minutes après cette annonce, le...

Stake Hodler Capitalism: Blockchain and DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

To many of us, understanding the blockchain ecosystem is one of the most significant barriers to entry for DeFi (Decentralized Finance). The terminologies are technical, and that created a mental barrier to many individual and institutional investors. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is highly promising to decentralization enthusiasts. Blockchain is a tamper-proof and immutable...

Soft Skills Books

HBR Emotional Intelligence Ultimate Boxed Set (14 Books) (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

Free Download Link   How to be human at work. HBR's Emotional Intelligence Series features...


HBR Emotional Intelligence Boxed Set (6 Books) (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

Free Download Link How to be human at work. HBR's Emotional Intelligence Series features smart...


HBR 20-Minute Manager Boxed Set (10 Books) (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

You’ll get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with this set of concise...


HBR Guide to Thinking Strategically (HBR Guide Series)

Synopsis The essential guide for managers to learn how to think strategically, focus on the big...


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